Magan, in my fiction novel “Mind Masters,” has to overcome extreme training from Steve to learn to master her new telepathic mind.  For her, it’s about survival in an apocalyptic world.  We don’t live in that world, but many do have moments of “knowing” that could be from a voice in the head or a gut feeling–your intuition.  And for some, that knowing did save their life, whether it was a voice that told them to not cross an intersection that would have caused an accident or another that said to not get on a plane that later crashes.  The real-life stories are endless.  If trusting your intuition can truly be life-changing, how can we tap into it more?  Maybe not to save your life, but even for small decisions such as which job to take, partner to love, or dream to follow.

Growing your intuition is really about increasing your vibration to tap into your sixth sense.  Just like sometimes you close your eyes to focus on smelling a flower or tasting a food, you may have to learn to eliminate the noise-–from mind chatter to a distracted environment–-to tap into your intuitive senses.  As you strengthen your intuition, you may experience radical changes in all areas of their life: better health, energy, creativity, abundance, and even better relationships. Why? Because you will be more aligned with your true life path and purpose, your mind will shift to creative ideas instead of problems, and you will make better decisions in the moment to bring more truth and abundance.  So time to open the doors to more possibilities, connectedness, and experience a life you love!

Tip: This is a comprehensive list accumulated from experts and studies around the world. Most people can not read this list and suddenly do everything tomorrow.  These tips merely demonstrate the MANY ways you can expand your intuition. Try a few out, learn what works for you, create your own daily routine, and discard the rest.  Besides, it is YOUR journey: there is no set path.

Give these tips a chance. Not just reading these tips, but trying them out and trusting your own intuition as to what works for you is an excellent first step on your journey to unleashing your inner wisdom. Share this list with a friend and try them together.  Do a different tip each day, or practice each one until you master it and then move on.

  1. Start Using Your Intuition Now. As you read the following tips, tap into your body. What calls to you?  Use your intuition to tell you which tip resonates with your life.
  2. Stop Seeking Direction. If you are constantly running to others to seek direction, approval, or even your identity, you’re following another’s intuitive path and not your own.  What might be right for one person may not be right for you, and you will be left with more restless confusion than when you started.  Let that tiny inner voice lead you. You’re unique. There’s nobody else with the same combination of DNA, and there will never be. So learn to be your own leader, not a follower.  There is a reason many top CEOs score high on intuition!
  3. Start journaling. EVERY day. One page minimum.  Write about anything, just get it out of your head on to your paper.  Best if handwritten.  Journaling can help you tap into your deep knowing. It removes fears and mind barriers, opening you up to possibilities.
  4. Believe. It sounds simple but all action must first start with a thought. Believe that your mind and body are a gift in itself, you have a right to be here, a purpose.  Then believe in your gift’s potential. What you believe, you can achieve.  As you trust the process, you will start seeing the results of your intuition, allowing you to dig deeper.
  5. Explore. Trusting intuition starts with being curious.  You had a gut feeling to drive down a certain road, a different way than you normally go home.  Why not just drive there to check it out?  Something tells you to pick up a book in a genre you never read, then find out why.  Someone you meet just seems oddly familiar, don’t be afraid to say hello.  Explore, question, seek, and you shall find!
  6. Practice. Expanding your intuition is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Practice tapping in on a daily basis. Expect it to guide you and trust that it will, don’t regret later that you didn’t listen to yourself.
  7. Be In the Present Moment. We forget all the energy around us every day and the insights happening on a moment to moment basis.  If you don’t stop and listen, you will miss out.  Notice what is around you right now–-what is beautiful, interesting, or calming?  It could be something as simple as watching a bird fly by or noticing a picture you really like.  If you are with someone, notice what you like about that person.
  8. Take Action. Once you are open to your intuition, and expect it to guide you, then you must act on what information you receive.  Trust what comes in, play with it.  If you can name it, you can claim it.
  9. Breathe. Another way to stay present so you can “tap in” is to focus on your breath.  If feeling stressed, take in a long breath and count to five.  Hold for 3 seconds, then exhale to the count of five.  Or, try it again but this time close one nostril and breath in and out the other, then rotate to the other nostril.  Do this 20 times.  There are countless breathing techniques to try.  The goal is to reduce stress and cortisol levels, allowing your mind to not focus on fight or flight, but creativity and insight.
  10. Realistic Expectations.  Nothing in life is 100% accurate.  A baseball player does not expect to hit a home run every time, nor can a golfer always get a hole in one.  So why do you expect your intuition to be 100% accurate?  The goal is to increase your awareness to make better decisions than the norm–not perfect, just better.  On the flip side, don’t expect to fail either.  Trust the process and you will get better at knowing the difference between the mental “ego” mind versus your intuition.
  11. Listen to the Heart. Sometimes it is hard to hear that soft intuitive voice versus the strong, fearful intellect.  When making a decision on something, say out loud: “My head says______.”  And then say out loud, “My heart says_______.”  Keep repeating until you feel the difference.  It may help to write it down too.  Notice how the heart-mind is a softer, relaxing energy.  It does not try to convince you or repeat in your head, it just feels true.
  12. Meditate Daily. There is something about the 30-minute magic mark; it takes 20 minutes of meditation to settle the mind, and then you get at least 10 minutes of mind freedom where meditation actually becomes “fun” and not work. Yes, you can get there.  Focus on a candle, a plant, or object, close your eyes and be in a sitting position, chant, whatever works for you.  Just don’t miss a day, and try to hit that 30 minute milestone.
  13. Ask for help.  It could be a trusted friend, nature, the stars, or spirit. It could be your guides, higher self, God, ascended masters, Gurus, angles, a loved one in spirit form.  The point is to ask for support.  When you feel stuck, don’t be afraid to ask for help–it doesn’t mean you failed or are helpless. Surrender to all the support around you and when it comes, be open to receiving it.
  14. Let go. Get rid of expectations and just enjoy the process, be child-like and learn to “play” without fear or trying too hard.  Also, learn to let go of your fear of failure.
  15. Clean Your Environment. You and your environment are one. No matter what you’re holding onto, it’s important to know the reason, because what you surround yourself within your home or office affects you in many ways. Clear clutter and make room for more intuitive inspiration to come into your life.  Then take it up a level by implementing some Feng Shui best practices. You will be amazed at how cleaning off a table and adding a plant can change the energy of a room.
  16. Movement exercises are important for blood movement and energy flow.  Walking also clears the mind and moves stuck energy. Types of movement exercises that focus on energy flow are Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Yoga, and many forms of dance.  You don’t need to train for a triathlon, just move your body and get energy moving.
  17. Clean Diet.  Yep, you are what you eat.  Stick to more high vibration foods like organic raw fruits and veggies. Enjoy more salads. You may even opt for a vegan diet–or at least to reduce dairy and processed foods.  If you crave meat, just keep in clean by trying to eat organic as much as possible. Toxins–from pesticides to hormone disruptors to antibiotics–will destroy your energy levels over time. Avoid sugar, alcohol, and drugs.
  18. Get Plenty of Sleep– sleep is critical to keeping your hormones balances, body rejuvenated, and energy high. Be sure you are getting 7-8 hours of solid sleep every night so you are alert for that incoming intuitive insight!
  19. Drink Healthy Water—90% of your body weight is water. The brain and heart are 73% water.  Are you drinking fluoridated water or water dosed with heavy metals and contaminants creating brain fog?   How can your body flush out the toxic waste from food if the very water you drink is also contaminated? And how can your mind think clear to hear those intuitive messages?
  20. Get A Massage.  Not only does it relax you and cut cortisol levels, but massage helps you tap into how your body is feeling–and you need to listen to your body for intuitive insight.  Massage also boosts your health for enhanced clarity! In a study from the Cedars-Sinai Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences in LA, participants who received 45 minutes of traditional Swedish massage improved immune response and overall health including boosting lymphocytes, lowering cytokine levels, and reducing hormones associated with stress.  The mind and body are connected, it’s best to improve both to enhance intuition.
  21. Clear up your subconscious mind. 95% of your decisions and thoughts are from your subconscious—old wounds, pains, fears, and lies you tell yourself that you learned from others as a child.  Lies you believe that say you are not good enough, smart enough, creative enough, or have enough talent.  We ALL have these lies deep in our head that we subconsciously believe and live by.  You are not alone.  Time to start running your show, not your parents, teachers, or that old childhood bully from school. This can be done through self-hypnosis, tapping, psych K, and more.  The key to healing old wounds is to feel it.
  22. Be In Nature.  Although shamans have understood this for ages, scientists are just now understanding the power of connecting to nature. In Japan, a practice called shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” was developed in the 1980s to help restore well-being.  The practice boosts immune function, reduces blood pressure, improves focus in those with ADHD, speeds healing after illness or surgery, eases insomnia, and increases your energy level.  And of course, it sharpens your intuition. This is all based on hard research such as a 1990 study out of Chiba University in Japan that found reduced levels of cortisol, the “stress hormone,” in subjects who walked 40 minutes in a forest, compared to subjects who walked 40 minutes in a lab setting.  In a related study, participants just sat in a forest scenery for 20 minutes, no walking required, to reduce average salivary cortisol by 13.4 percent.  Spend time in nature!
  23. Remove mental blocks.  Mental blocks are usually fear, judgments, expectations, or any thought that stops you from success.  They must be removed to grow and expand the mind.
  24. Unplug From Technology. It seems obvious to say you need to turn the TV off and shut down your devices to tap into your intuition, but Asurion’s 2018 study, conducted by OnePoll, shows that we check our devices up 80 times a day–even while on vacation. Yikes!  In fact, texting while driving causes one out of every four car accidents in the U.S.  What I am suggesting here is to unplug-–really unplug–-for several hours.  Go for a walk without your phone.  Even better, get away and turn your phone off for a weekend…I dare you.
  25. Get clarity. With clarity comes excitement, right? And creative visualization activates the feel-good neurochemical, dopamine, which motivates you to continue to move towards your dreams. Do creative visualization, write it down, draw it—whatever makes that visualization real.
  26. Watch your emotions. Fear, for example, sets off a chain reaction that puts the brake on your motivational circuit for achieving your goals. So, it’s imperative that you learn how to recognize your fear-based emotions and develop tools (i.e., mindfulness, diaphragmatic breathing, journalling) so you can easily recognize and carry on with your journey toward success.  Understand that the feelings you have aren’t the problem; it’s just your subconscious mind directing your vision, goal, behavior, experience, and outcome. So when you reprogram your subconscious mind and change your behavior for success, that’s when you unlock and unleash the full potential of your brain.
  27. Open & Activate Your Heart. Earlier we talked about listening to your heart. If that is not working, then perhaps you need to give the mind-heart conversation a kick-start. If you read my article on “What Is Intuition,” you can see why scientists are speculating that all intuition comes from the heart–-it can sense outside stimuli before the brain.  The heart can learn, remember, make decisions, and even feel and sense by itself—all completely independent of central neuronal command!!  We also know–based on the ascending fibers in the vagus nerve to the brain–that the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart, and that the heart sends more messages to the brain than any other organ in the body.  So you have to pay attention to the heart.  What makes your heart sing?  What pains your heart?  Are you following your heart’s passion?  If you have a broken heart, what are you doing to heal it so you can love again?  Clearly, there is a reason for all these popular expressions!
  28. Create A Dream Journal. Recording your dreams right when you wake up each morning is so powerful that now you can even download several phone apps that make it super easy. Dreams are powerful and the one way our subconscious mind talks to us and gives us intuitive direction.  Some of the most incredible discoveries came to inventors in a dream–Mendeleev’s periodic table, Rene Descartes’ Scientific Method, Elias Howe’s lock-stitch sewing machine, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and even the chemical benzene was discovered through dreams.  So don’t hit the snooze button, wake up and write (unless you are in the middle of a good dream!)
  29. Ask The Right Question. There is an old saying that says the “answer to a question is directly proportional to the asking of the question.”  Better said, to get the right answer, you have to ask the right question. When you are about to approach a situation, have you asked yourself, “How can I best approach this person or situation?” “What are my keys to success?” “What should I be wary of?” “What should I avoid?” “What should I embrace?”  Note the thought, word, or phrase that comes to you after you ask the question and note it down.
  30. Clear Your Chakras. Since we just talked about opening your heart, if you are familiar with chakras, clearing the heart chakra is probably the most important for expanding intuition.  However, since everything is connected, it’s best to clear them all.  Best if done on a daily basis.
  31. Purify The Five Senses. If you want to hear your six sense, you may need to purify the five others. Purify the eyes by looking at something beautiful, watching a candle, or visually meditating on something meaningful or heartfelt. Purify your ears through peaceful chanting, mantras, or listening to peaceful music. Purify the sense of smell by having fresh flowers in your house or office, smelling incense, or using natural oils and tinctures.  Purify the mouth by tasting something fresh and pure (fresh fruit), drinking lemon water, and using honest words. Purify the sense of touch with a hot bath or energy exercises.  These are ancient practices that still apply today.
  32. Protect Your Energy. After you have cleared all your chakras and grounded your energy, remember to protect it.  There are countless techniques for protecting your energy, but a simple way is to bring in your aura closer to your body and ground your energy.
  33. Visualization Exercises.  People love mind maps, vision boards, or to draw a picture of what they want.  What does that have to do with intuition?  If you are a visual person, as you create your mind map or vision board, you can let your intuition kick in and complete the vision. Using your intuition, the final picture may look entirely different than how you originally envisioned it.  For example, instead of writing down what is the perfect job and doing a vision board, why not ask, “what is my perfect job?” and let your intuition fill in the images. Let the ideas flow, don’t control it, and see what transpires. You may find that you were limiting yourself: what the mind thinks is possible is not all that is truly possible.
  34. Know Your WHY. Know WHY you want to reach your goal. Why is this important? Humans have more than 50,0000 thoughts circulating each day . . . so if you want to succeed in reaching your goal, you must let your brain know that it’s important to you by thinking about it every day. Start small by taking 5 minutes each morning to visualize, review, and think about why expanding your intuition is important to you.
  35. Daily Gratitude.  Every small accomplishment in better understanding yourself should be congratulated. Do not be hard on yourself! This is a new skill for most people.  If you have had no intuitive experience yet, be grateful you have the time, energy, and space to even try!  As you journal, write every day what you are thankful for, and don’t miss that intuitive insight, no matter how small.
  36. Help Others. Be loving and kind to yourself and others, share happiness, and watch it come back to you to increase your energy levels, frequency, and health. Not only does making others happy lower hypertension and depression, but it benefits your brain. A 2016 UCLA study found that giving social support such as cheering people up or being for someone in need is associated with positive reactions in your brain that result in less stress-related activity and more reward-related activity as seen through functional MRI scans.  And a 2012 study at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research showed that those who offer some form of practical or emotional assistance to others have a 60 percent lower chance of dying than their peers who provide no support to others.  With more energy and love, more chances to tap into your intuition!
  37. Note Your Mental Melody. If you do a form of meditation, you can begin to notice the mental chatter in your mind such as a song that keeps repeating.  Surprisingly, that song could be giving you some insight! Take note of the song’s words and ask yourself why that particular song suddenly popped in your head, especially if you have not heard the song in a while.
  38. Trust Your Gut. As discussed in our article “What Is Intuition,” the gut is similar to the heart: it can function completely independent of the enteric nervous system—it’s even called “the second brain.”  Think of a problem you need to resolve and list all possible options.  One at a time, review each one, and check your gut.  Does it squirm on one choice and relax on another?  You can do this with people too. When around someone, does your gut relax or feel like you have been kicked in the stomach?  Pay attention!
  39. Follow Your Passion.  You know you are listening to your intuition when you are doing something you are passionate about.  It could be a side hobby or a dedicated career choice, but you must express your unique gifts or your creative energy and intuition will dwindle and suffocate. Write down or say out loud what you love, “I love to travel,” or “I love to cook.”  Start with small things and let the seed grow until you discover what truly makes your heart sing.
  40. Find Your Tribe. Create and cherish healthy, honest relationships. Find and keep those who allow you to be yourself, supporting even your craziest ideas (as long as the idea doesn’t hurt others).  Be honest with what you need and want, and open to their needs and wants to nurture authenticity.  Find the tribe that will support you in expanding your intuition.
  41. Pat Your Pet. Not only do pets provide comfort and calmness, but they give us an excellent opportunity to tap into our intuition in order to find what they need.  As you pet your furry one, as yourself questions “what do you need?” “Are you hungry, thirsty, sad, lonely?”  “How does your body feel?”  Be open to what messages come in through a visual image, a word, or even a bodily feeling.  Don’t “think” about it, just jot down the first thing that comes to mind.  As you get better, do this to friends’ pets and see if they can validate what you sensed: “yes, Fito  was hurt, he just had surgery.”
  42. Track Progress.  Ask yourself at the end of each week: Did the work I did this week move me backward or forward in tapping into my intuition? Don’t judge the process.  You are not “good” if you got intuitive insight.  It’s just to help remind you to keep up your efforts, and maybe do more.  If you are not getting any intuitive hits, are you meditating 30 minutes a day?  Where can you improve?
  43. Overcome bad habits.  Are you drinking every night? Eating bad foods? Not exercising?  Is the house a mess?  All these things impact your energy levels, your frequency, to your intuitive side. Find what bad habits are stopping you and get to work in clearing them out.
  44. Make a Commitment. After you know your why, ask what you will do to achieve it. Are you interested in doing whatever it takes to expand your mind and life? What are you willing to do, and when?
  45. Stop procrastination. Track your excuses for not getting your goals accomplished (of course, this applies to any goals in life, not just expanding intuition). What steps are you willing to take? What will it take for you to be committed rather than interested?
  46. Get An Accountability Partner. Join our community to team up with someone to help you track your progress. Get an accountability partner so it creates the environment to help you with your goal, you will develop the habit of being an action taker instead of being a goal setter.
  47. Feel Worthy of Getting It! I stated this in another tip, but it deserves a dedicated tip number. Sometimes our subconscious will prevent us from actually receiving our own insight. If you hear yourself say, “I’m not intuitive,” or “that was just a coincidence,” then your patterned beliefs are preventing you from accessing your potential.
  48. Conscious GOALs AND Subconscious Beliefs=Success. Learn this. Of course, correcting subconscious beliefs (or lies) is not easy.  First you have to recognize the patterned belief, then you have to confront it and BE with it so that it heals and dissolves. Healing subconscious beliefs takes time and thinking you can just “create a new story” could be a bypass to the deeper trauma that wants to just be felt, heard, and healed.  But when you do, and you align that subconscious belief with your goals, you can accomplish almost anything.
  49. Write Intuition Goals Down.  Research from the University of Dominica says that if you write goals down, you are 40% more likely to achieve them.  Listen to an intuitive thought, write it down, then create an action plan.  The more you listen, trust, and act on your intuition, the stronger it gets.
  50. Create Tip deadlines. Read these tips, find which ones resonate, then create an action plan and deadline. Parkinson’s law says you will get done the amount of time you give it to get it done. It forces you to focus and lowers your uncertainty.  All these tips are great, but if you don’t give yourself a deadline on when you will take that walk in nature, get a massage, or take time to meditate, you are telling yourself that growing your intuition is really not that important… and it will go back to sleep.

BONUS TIPS!  If these top 50 tips for improving your intuition were not enough, here are three more to add to your arsenal. 

  1. Stop Blaming Others. No one can make you think or feel anything—only you. Learn to listen and TRUST your own inner guidance and not let others influence your mind or tell you intuition is not real or useful.  Time to take control of your inner growth.
  2. Learn To Say Yes.  As you listen to your intuition, learn to say “yes” to whatever insight arrives.  It is okay if you need to hear it several times, but at some point, shut down the rational brain and listen to your heart or body.  I had severe low back pain for years and the worse was always when I woke up in the morning.  I would wake up and say, “that bed is killing my back,” but I did nothing.  Instead, I went the rational route of doctors, pain meds, herbal remedies, yoga, stretching, core strengthening, magnetic belts, and more.  For some reason, I just couldn’t imagine that a bed could create such debilitating back pain.  After a year of having no major relief, I finally replaced my bed.  After one night of sleep, my back pain was gone.  Why did I wait so long and suffer?  I was afraid to spend the money on something I wasn’t sure of–but look at what it cost me. I wish I had said “yes” to that new mattress a long time ago!
  3. Pat Yourself on the Back! When your intuition gets it right, be sure to feel proud.  I could have easily beat myself up for not listening to my intuition about my horrible bed all those years, but when I realized my intuition knew exactly what was wrong with my low back pain, I was just thankful that it had my back, pun intended.

Now smile, you made it through all 53 tips.  What works for you?  Post a comment below or send us your feedback!